Mission and objectives of the FRI
The mission of the FRI is defined as follows: "Scientific rationale for the Russian financial policy to encourage sustainable development of the national economy"
The social mission of the FRI is encouraging sustainable development of the Russian economy and thus supporting the processes aimed at prosperity of its citizens.
The key strategic objective of the FRI is providing the management, the heads of the departments and the staff members of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation with timely and high-quality results of research and expert findings on the pressing issues pertaining to the competence of the Ministry of Finance.
Strategic objectives of the FRI are as follows:
- Providing communication of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation with the expert community on urgent issues of financial policy.
- Developing the FRI as a reputable research centre capable of solving the issues pertaining to the competence of the Ministry of Finance on the basis of their scientific analysis at a high professional level.
- Making a substantial contribution to the development of the Russian financial science.
It is planned to transform the FRI into the leading Russian centre of research in the field of financial politics oriented towards assistance in achieving basic and applied objectives of the Russian financial authorities.